

一个匿名的礼物赋予一个全职, permanent conservator for the largest art on paper collection in North Carolina.

优雅的白色 posing in front of artwork on display behind her.
优雅的白色, 阿克兰艺术博物馆的纸上艺术品保管员, (图片来源:Jon Gardiner, UNC-Chapel山)

优雅的白色 is one of the few people in the world allowed to handle original Rembrandt drawings and other priceless works of art with her own hands. As the 阿克兰艺术博物馆的纸上艺术品保管员, 她是阿克兰17号的看护人,500幅纸上艺术作品. She helps to preserve the vast collection of art for future generations, 在工作室修理损坏的图纸, 水彩画, 手稿和印刷品.

The Ackland is home to the largest collection of art on paper in the state, and art on paper comprises about 80% of the Museum’s permanent collection. The Ackland was a pioneer among leading public university art museums when it opened a conservation studio and hired a conservator in the late 1980s. 虽然阿克兰的保护需求很大, 这个立场, 出于预算原因, 一直都是兼职.

这种情况即将改变, 然而, thanks to an anonymous donor’s generous gift that endows the position, 创建Dr. 伊恩·摩根·哈珀纸上艺术保管员. 这份礼物是为了纪念已故的博士. 伊恩·哈珀,丹佛著名的神经学家. 这笔钱将在五年内付清, ultimately enabling the Ackland to have a full-time conservator for art on paper and ensure that the position is permanently secure.

“It’s challenging to do this work in a part-time capacity, 考虑到阿克兰的巨大保护需求,Carolyn Allmendinger说, interim director and director of education and interpretation at the Ackland. “We have a long queue of artwork that has been awaiting attention since it was acquired. The limitations of part-time hours slow that work and can also be disruptive to workflow. Expanding the paper conservator role to a full-time position will ensure that the Ackland’s art on paper collection — the lion’s share of its collection — receives the attention it needs.”

“With a conservation studio and a qualified conservator in-house, 阿克兰博物馆超越了艺术保护的基础,彼得·尼斯贝特说, 策展事务副主任. “This work is more than a matter of cleaning and repair. Accuracy in the understanding of how a work of art is made and how its existence over time has affected its appearance is a wonderful tool, especially in teaching students to look closely at art and to understand the work of art as so much more than an image on a screen. Having a full-time conservator on staff will maximize our scope for formal and informal teaching.”

While the future full-time conservator has a queue of artwork awaiting repair, 这远不是他们在阿克兰的唯一关注点. The conservator teaches guest lectures to Carolina classes; serves as a resource to students who are interested in careers in art conservation or at museums; advises preparators and art handlers on safe handling and exhibiting of artworks; engages with the public through blog posts and studio tours; and assists other museums, libraries and archives by teaching workshops and providing advice about artworks on paper.

The impact of this gift will be felt across the entire state and beyond. 通过阿克兰交换项目, the Museum loans exhibitions to other historically minority-serving 博彩平台大学系统 schools, 免费. 另外, the Ackland loans art to other national and international museums — the North Carolina Museum of Art, 大都会艺术博物馆, 亚洲协会博物馆, 还有卢浮宫, 举几个例子,还有巡回展览. The Ackland also serves the state through knowledge sharing, offering workshops at other museums to ensure the future of their collections.

“我们非常感谢这位捐赠者, whose generosity is enabling the Ackland to expand its capacity for conservation work in the long term and across the state and beyond,阿尔门丁格说.